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December 3, 2024
5 min
Note: This is the final article in our 5-part series designed to help businesses understand the spam call ecosystem and reduce the risk of flags on their legitimate calls.
Miss a post? Start here:
Understanding the Spam Call EcosystemThe Anatomy of a Spam CallHow Carriers Protect Subscribers
Strategies to Avoid Spam Labeling
In the ongoing battle against spam calls, ensuring your legitimate business calls are not mistaken for spam is paramount.
Beyond implementing technical strategies, businesses must also pay heed to regulatory compliance and reputation management.
In this fifth and final installment of our blog series, we explore the importance of adhering to regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), building and maintaining trust with consumers, and the role these elements play in safeguarding the legitimacy of your calls.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is a federal law that places restrictions on telemarketing calls, including requirements for consent and restrictions on phone calls. Adhering to the TCPA is not just a legal obligation but also a fundamental aspect of building trust with consumers. Violations can result in costly penalties and damage to your reputation.
Additionally, it’s important to strictly adhere to the DNC (Do-not-call) laws, TSR (Telemarketing Sales Rule) and other telecommunications regulations.
Consult with your legal team to ensure full compliance with these measures.
It is critical to obtain explicit consent from consumers that you call. Consent should be informed, voluntary, and specific to the type of calls they will receive. Keeping meticulous records of consent is essential to demonstrate compliance. For B2B calls, be certain to understand and follow all applicable rules and regulations for the locations in which you call.
The TCPA places significant restrictions on the use of calls for telemarketing purposes. Understanding and complying with these rules is essential to avoid falling afoul of the law. It’s important to keep in mind that as a result of legal cases and amendments, the rules and restrictions businesses must comply with continually evolve.
Ensure that your caller ID displays accurate and recognizable information. Transparency about your identity and the purpose of your call goes a long way in building trust. Vague or misleading caller IDs can raise suspicions.
Respect consumer preferences regarding the frequency and timing of your calls. Avoid calling during inconvenient hours or inundating individuals with too many calls. When customers opt-out, remove them permanently from your list.
Demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding personal information. Inform consumers about your data protection practices and assure them that their information is safe in your hands.
Maintaining a consistent and reliable approach to calls is essential. Sudden changes in calling behavior or frequency can raise red flags. Buying and replacing numbers does more harm than good.
Conversely, stable call behaviors send a positive signal to carriers and analytics agencies that your calls are legitimate, and should go through unflagged. Call history is the foundation of a positive reputation.
Actively engage with consumers' feedback and concerns. Address any issues promptly and professionally, showing that you value their input.
Stay vigilant in monitoring your call practices and adapting to changing consumer expectations and regulatory requirements. Being proactive in making necessary adjustments is vital.
In conclusion, regulatory compliance and reputation management are integral components of maintaining the legitimacy of your business calls.
By adhering to regulations like the TCPA, being transparent with consumers, and managing your reputation effectively, you can build trust and ensure that your legitimate calls are recognized and welcomed.
The fight against spam calls is ongoing, and your commitment to these principles will set you apart as a responsible and trustworthy communicator… who is more likely to get their calls answered.
At PhoneBurner, trust and safety is a competitive advantage, both for us and for the clients we serve.
Thank you for joining us in this blog series, and we hope you join us as a champion of the cause of call legitimacy.
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