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October 31, 2024
9 min
As a salesperson or sales manager, you and your team make outbound sales calls for one reason—to close deals. But most of the time, you’re going to hear a voicemail instead of a live answer. It’s frustrating, but it’s the truth.
Rather than getting upset, you should realize how important it is to leave an effective voicemail. The right message can encourage prospects to call you back—or even pick up as you’re leaving your message (AKA Live Voicemail).
Unfortunately, sales reps often leave unstructured sales voicemails that bore or confuse their prospects. And sadly, some reps hang up their phone calls without leaving voicemails at all.
Don’t do this. Leaving a personalized voicemail can earn you a callback and it doesn’t prevent you from calling again.
Unlike social media and email messages which often go unseen, voicemail messages are regularly heard—or if they’re using an iPhone with Live Voicemail enabled, transcribed and read as you leave your message. But in either case, you have a very limited window to make the right impression—only 3-5 seconds for most prospects.
Learn More: Turn Live Voicemail Into Conversations
This is why it’s so important to have a voicemail script. You need to captivate your prospect so they listen to your entire voicemail and do one of the following:
Remember, the goal of your sales voicemail is to advance the sale. Although you’d love your prospects to have a live conversation with you, it’s not always necessary.
As long as your voicemail makes them more likely to answer your next call or piques the prospect's interest enough to check out an email you send, then you’re getting closer to making the sale.
Here are the questions every voicemail script should answer quickly and clearly:
Your prospect needs to know that there is a real person on the other end of the line.
Immediately identify yourself with your first name, last name, and your company name so they know that someone is taking responsibility for this voicemail—unlike typical automated sales voicemails.
“Hi, this is Sally Jones from XYZ Company…”
It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to sell. You’re calling because your prospect has a problem or a burning desire—and you have the solution.
If your sales voicemail script doesn’t address this right off the bat, your voicemail will likely be deleted or ignored. This is especially true for Live Voicemail, where a prospect will most likely only glance at the first sentence or two of the transcription before deciding whether your call is worth picking up.
Learn More: Live Voicemail Best Practices & Scripts
To quickly provide a reason that will interest future or current customers, consider including one or more of three things:
This basic information will help you provide a compelling reason for a live conversation. For example, let’s say you helped Mark’s Cafe and John’s Pizza bring 50% more diners into their Boston restaurants. This is great social proof for any other Boston restaurant you’d like to help, so leave a brief message without missing any of these details:
“Hi (prospect's name), this is Sally Jones from XYZ Company. We recently worked with Mark’s Cafe and John’s Pizza in Boston on a referral strategy that brought over 50% more diners to their restaurants in the last month. It’s easy to set up and could help you generate similar results with little effort each month.”
Do you want your prospect to call you back, open your email, or be available for your next call? Whatever their next step is, you need to make it clear.
Provide your contact information and ask them to call you back, tell them to check the email from your email address, or let them know when to expect your next phone call.
But you also need to give them a reason for taking your desired action. Instead of trying to “sell” them your product or service, ask them to let you see if you can improve their life.
You’re letting them know that there is a way to improve their business, and they have an opportunity to determine whether that makes sense for them. Since you’ve already shown that it likely will, they should be interested in taking the next step.
Continuing with our previous sample sales voicemail script, this is how we would call the prospect to action:
“Hi (prospect's name), this is Sally Jones from XYZ Company. We recently worked with Mark’s Cafe and John’s Pizza in Boston on a referral strategy that brought over 50% more diners to their restaurants in the last month. It’s easy to set up and could help you generate similar results with little effort each month.
If you could give me a call back at 555-555-1212, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your restaurant to see if this program would be a good fit. Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!”
Your prospect won’t remember everything you just said. And they definitely didn’t record your name and phone number the first time you uttered them.
Don’t expect your prospect to replay the message. Instead, reduce friction by repeating your contact information at a slower tempo.
Put it all together using our previous example, and you might end up with something like this:
“Hi (prospect's name), this is Sally Jones from XYZ Company. We recently worked with Mark’s Cafe and John’s Pizza in Boston on a referral strategy that brought over 22% more diners to their restaurants in the last month. It’s easy to set up and could help you generate similar results with little effort each month.
If you could give me a call back at 555-555-1212, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your restaurant to see if this program would be a good fit. Again, my name is Sally Jones and you can reach me at 555-555-1212. I look forward to hearing from you!”
Voicemails and emails are a powerful combination. When you use them together you can dramatically increase exposure and improve response rates. Consider this script.
“Hi, this is Sally Jones from XYZ Company. No need to call me back. I am actually sending you an email right now with the subject line “Restaurant Referrals.” It introduces a process that’s generating hundreds of weekly restaurant reservations for NYC restaurants like yours. Just wanted you to keep an eye out for it, and if it looks like something that might help you, we can connect after that. Thanks for your time and have a great day!
With PhoneBurner, you leave this voicemail and send the email in the same click using our workflow automation.
A vast majority of sales calls go unanswered, so it’s hard to understate the importance of an effective voicemail message. Even modest improvements to your voicemail scripts can dramatically improve your callbacks, responses, and sales from cold call campaigns.
If you want to have successful and professional voicemail messages, quickly offer a solution that addresses your prospect’s burning pain or desire. Then, make it easy for them to take your well-defined action to make their life better.
Play with the template above and watch your sales numbers grow as you perfect your sales voicemail scripts. And remember, the more efficiently you can dial, the more prospects you can reach—for effective voicemails or high-quality live conversations.
PhoneBurner can help you dial up to 4x faster while improving the quality of your calls and reducing potential spam flags. Start a free trial here to see it in action for yourself.