Live Voicemail Best Practices & Scripts


  • Live Voicemail, a feature in iOS 17, transcribes voicemail messages in real-time, encouraging immediate engagement from recipients.
  • Best practices for effective Live Voicemail include being concise, speaking clearly, personalizing messages, using the recipient's name, and including a day/time element.
  • To improve engagement, avoid using ad-like language, reference previous interactions, and use pauses to encourage live responses.
  • PhoneBurner offers tools to create personalized Live Voicemail scripts, helping sales teams increase answer rates and call engagement.
Sales agent using a Live Voicemail friendly script.

What to say and how to say it

Every time you reach Live Voicemail, you have a golden opportunity to engage your contact in a live conversation.

That is the goal of your Live Voicemail script.

Your contacts will be reading a real-time transcription of your message along with a bright green button that says, “Accept.”

So, what do you need to do to encourage more contacts to answer?

Here are best practices and scripts to help you improve call engagement with Apple’s new Live Voicemail feature.

Call centre reps sitting on computer talking to customers

What Is Live Voicemail?

A quick bit of background in case you’re not already familiar with Live Voicemail: it’s a feature included with iOS 17 and later versions that automatically transcribes your voice as you’re leaving a voicemail message and displays the text on the recipient’s screen.

We’ve written lots elsewhere about this feature and how it can impa

Sales rep using script for Live Voicemail via PhoneBurner

Best Practices for Live Voicemail

Here are some tips you can use to make your messages

Be Concise

Don’t expect contacts to read 60 seconds of scrolling transcription to get proper context. Be concise. Calls are more likely to be accepted early on in the message anyway.

Speak Clearly

You want accurate transcriptions, not jumbled text. Give yourself the best possible opportunity by speaking clearly and deliberately.

Be Personal

Live Voicemail is no place for generic messages or nameless recordings. Get calls answered by invoking trust and familiarity. Be personal in your tone and delivery to improve engagement.

Include Their Name—Twice

A name delivers a personalized feel and proves you’re not a machine playing a recording. We found that using a name at least once, but ideally twice, delivers the best results.

Include a Day/Time Element

Stating the day and/or time is another quick and compelling way to personalize your message. And it provides helpful context.

Use Appropriate Pauses

In a live conversation, pausing encourages a contact to reply. Similarly, in Live Voicemail, pauses create an opening for a contact to accept the call and jump in.

Even though it’s a voicemail, you should think about it more like a conversation you’re having with the prospect—even if they haven’t picked up yet.

Learn More: How to Make a Conversation Interesting: 8 Actionable Tips

Use a Short Phrase or Hook Based on Your Audience

Here’s where you’ll create desire to connect. Create a short phrase or hook that teases a live engagement, and provides compelling context. For example:

  • I’m live on the line to help with your solar installation
  • Here to discuss a unique mortgage option with you
  • If you could click Accept, I wanted to quickly discuss Val Evan’s election
  • Calling to work together with you on your insurance search
  • Checking in with a quick question about your e-commerce site
  • Calling you now with an interesting idea related to your home sale

Bonus Tip: End your phrase/context with an upward (essentially question-like) intonation to increase the likelihood of a pickup. “Calling you now to talk about a way to reduce your design costs?”

Learn More: 6 Sales Prospecting Questions You Need to Ask

Use Context from your Last Engagement

When using a 1-to-1 platform like PhoneBurner, you’ll have time to review notes and prior contact history in our built-in CRM. You can also use any of the CRM integrations PhoneBurner supports.

Alternatively, your call list may be composed entirely of people who have taken an action (booked a demo, just came in for service, created an account). This highly targeted information is gold when trying to get someone live on the line. Here are a few ways to reference details like this:

  • I’m live on the line to quickly follow up on our AI tools chat last week
  • You came in for an oil change yesterday and I have a question for you
  • I saw you started a free trial, and I’m here with a helpful tip for you

Bonus Tip: Consider using PhoneBurner’s “Pause and Preview” mode. This gives you additional time before a contact is dialed to review notes and call history that may provide valuable context for your voicemail script.

Avoid Ad Language

A surefire way to turn people off (and have your number blocked) is to use language that people typically associate with sales or spam. Avoid terms like “limited time offer” “50% off” or anything else that sounds like an advertisement. Keep it personal.

Prospect ignoring call from business by screening via Live Voicemail and about to block

Trust & Safety Considerations

While Live Voicemail provides a new opportunity for live conversations, there is another side of the coin.

Consumers can block you.

They can report your calls as spam.

And now, they have tangible evidence in hand.

Like other call deflection technologies, Live Voicemail will help consumers distinguish good actors, like yourself, from bad actors. follow these guidelines to increase call engagement while safeguarding your number reputation:

  • Call people who have consented to hear from you
  • Respect the Do-Not-Call list and opt-out requests
  • Don’t double/triple dial, or leave multiple messages in a short time span
  • Follow all compliance regulations and industry standards 
  • Leave personalized messages and avoid anything overly promotional or salesy
  • Avoid sensitive information contacts wouldn’t want transcribed/visible to another person
  • Ask yourself, would I accept this phone call? Or would I block/report it?

Learn more about ethical calling and compliance by exploring our Responsible Communications™ policies.

The Formula for Successful Live Voicemail Scripts

Here’s a quick cheat sheet you can use to create effective live voicemail scripts:

  • Greeting: Hi [NAME]!
  • 🖐️ 1-second pause
  • Name + Time Element: [NAME], it’s Tuesday afternoon.
  • 🖐️ 1-second pause
  • Introduce Yourself: This is [YOURNAME] from [COMPANY] 
  • 🖐️ 1-second pause
  • Helpful Phrase: I’m here on the line to check in on [HOOK]
  • 🖐️ 5-second pause
  • Conversation or Finish Voicemail: 1) Get a live answer 2) continue leaving voicemail live or via a disposition button

Script Examples

Naturally, a winning script takes time to develop and depends on the audience and context for the call. The better your lead quality, and the more targeted your outreach (and therefore your script), the better your results will be.

Practice. Test. Iterate.

Here are some examples to help you pull the tips above into a workable script:

General First Attempt

Hi Jeff! (pause) Jeff, it’s Wednesday around noon. (pause) This is Jane from Acme, I’m live on the line to talk about your pet insurance inquiry? (pause) If no answer, finish leaving live voicemail or use a disposition button to complete your message.

General Second Attempt

Hi Sarita! Alex here from HouseCo. (pause) Sarita, it’s Tuesday morning and I’m reaching out again to connect about your mortgage. I have an idea to chat with you about? (pause) If no answer, finish leaving live voicemail or use a disposition button to complete your message.

Customer Upsell

Angie! (pause) Happy Friday! (pause) It’s John from CarCo. You brought in your car for service this week, and I wanted to run something by you? (pause) If no answer, finish leaving live voicemail or use a disposition button to complete your message.

Using Disposition Buttons to Make Your Voicemails Efficient

As you know, PhoneBurner disposition buttons can be configured to leave a pre-recorded voicemail while dialing the next contact on your list.

As suggested above, you may want to add an additional Voicemail button to your dialing sets so that your buttons accommodate both Traditional and Live Voicemail experiences. There are two ways to do this:

The Traditional Voicemail Experience

You use a disposition button to leave a full pre-recorded voicemail. Note: as soon as you use a disposition button PhoneBurner will dial your next contact and you will be unable to engage with someone if they were to answer.

The Live Voicemail Experience

You speak the first half of your message (using the script framework above) in hopes of getting a live answer, then use a disposition button to leave the rest of your message if no one picks up.

For this option, do not use your standard pre-recorded voicemail, as it's important that the live and recorded components of your message complement each other. Create a unique disposition button for scenarios in which you will leave a live voicemail that includes a pre-recorded voicemail that picks up where your live voicemail will leave off.

Make Live Voicemail Work for Your Outbound Calls

57% of US smartphone users have an iPhone. With Live Voicemail enabled by default on iOS 17, you have a golden opportunity to leverage voicemail to increase ans

Android phones have a similar feature, and while it’s not enabled by default, Apple’s update may increase Android adoption, further empowering contacts to screen calls for context.

With PhoneBurner’s 1-to-1 outreach so

Armed with the scripts and best practices above, you’re well on your way to making the most of this opportunity!

Not a PhoneBurner user yet? Start a free trial here.

Please note: Guidance is provided based on our team's continued testing of iOS 17 including beta versions. The experience may continue to evolve now that Live Voicemail has officially launched, so experiences can not be guaranteed. We'll continue to update resources as we are aware of changes, and as new guidance is available.