How to Integrate PhoneBurner with HubSpot

Syncing PhoneBurner with HubSpot will help you have more live conversations, automate time consuming tasks, and increase outbound sales productivity up to 4x.
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Quick and easy integration
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Dial HubSpot contacts faster and more effectively
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Call activity is seamlessly logged and synced

Set up the integration in 3 easy steps


Visit the Integrations page within PhoneBurner account settings.


Click on the HubSpot integration, and click the “Connect HubSpot” button


Log into your HubSpot account to complete the connection
PhoneBurner will then help you match your team’s accounts, and choose folders for contact syncing.

Want to uninstall the PhoneBurner and HubSpot integration?


Visit the Hubspot integration page within your account and click “Unlink Account”
Log in to your PhoneBurner account and visit the Integration Settings page. Click on the HubSpot logo to access the integration, click “Unlink Account” and then confirm. That’s it! No action is needed inside of your HubSpot account, and uninstalling will have no impact on HubSpot user data.